Saturday, October 10, 2015

Proper Maintenance For Your Natural Gas Furnace

Having a natural gas furnace offers plenty of convenience and savings for your home over the other types of heating systems including electricity. It not only works quickly to heat up water but it offers you a reliable method for meeting the needs in your home without pollution or being expensive. You probably are aware of these facts though and many of them probably played a role in your decision to purchase a natural gas furnace.

To keep your natural gas furnace operating as it was intended you need to be conscious of the routine maintenance to be performed on it. Don’t simply take it for granted and then give it attention when problems develop. If you take care of your natural gas furnace it will work better and last years longer.

The air filter on your furnace should be replaced every other month. If you live where it has to be operating daily then you will want to change the filter monthly instead. Once a filter gets clogged you won’t have as much airflow coming out. This causes the equipment to work harder to produce the same amount of heat for you. As a result more energy is consumed and you will see your heating bills increasing. You may find replacing the air filters for your natural gas furnace is expensive but it will cost you less than the additional fuel consumption.

Periodically check each of your heating ducts and registers for blockage. If any of them are blocked remove the objects so the air flow can happen freely. Don’t place furniture in front of places where the air comes out or your natural gas furnace will have to work harder.

It is a common practice to use duct tape so you can seal all the seams on the duct work of the natural gas furnace. A better alternative is to use aluminum foil because duct tape will dry out. This will leave a brittle mess and it won’t be sealed off like it should be. Aluminum foil tape is more expensive than duct tape but it works better and lasts for a very long time.

It doesn’t take much time or effort to properly maintain your natural gas furnace. Keeping it in top working condition will ensure your home stays warm when you need it to be without costing you more money to operate it. You will also have to repair or replace your natural gas furnace less often.

Source by Caleb Liu

The post Proper Maintenance For Your Natural Gas Furnace appeared first on ETL-HVAC.


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